Tuesday, 21 February 2006
Dear Diary
I really have to apologise to my blog for not updating it often. If you go into the archives and see what the first year's entries looked like, it was basically about my life. The things I did everyday. What I ate, what I studied, what I played.. basically sort of like a personal diary of sorts. Since then my entries have been about things I find interesting. These range from my Quotes of the day series to my frequent tech and sports related news linkings.
I really need to start posting some more stuff of my regular and not so regular activities.
It was so easy back then though. I was in college and we were always doing something exciting, fun and stimulating every single day. I firmly believed in Carpe Diem - Seize the day.
But now that I am in the grind - albeit not the regular 9 - 5 but the 2:00 till whatever-the-hell-time-I-get-off routine, fun activities have gotten scarce.
But I guess that what RL means. I just hope I can Carpe some weekends
More to follow:-