Saturday, 31 December 2005

The New Year

Wishing everyone a truly memorable start to the new year.

Plan to get hammered tonight.


Friday, 30 December 2005

The History of the Universe in 200 Words or Less

The History of the Universe in 200 Words or Less


Always thought of doing something like this. Good job. And as a bonus there are links to the rest of history as well.

Thursday, 29 December 2005

The Wall

India builds a 2,500-mile barrier to rival the Great Wall of China - Asia - Times Online

The writing is certainly on the wall for all the illegal immigrants who try to cross over into India every year.

Although I personally think this is an extreme measure but sometimes drastic change is required.

I bet this makes the US wish they shared a land border with Cuba... Much easier to patrol.

Find what you love


Very moving. A must read for recent or future college graduates. You know what? A must read for anyone who wishes to be inspired by greatness

'You've got to find what you love,' Jobs says

on that note. the quote of the day

Greatness consists in trying to be great. There is no other way.

- Albert Camus

Get up. Stand Up

Neverlate 7-day Alarm Clock


About time we see some innovations in time management and clocks.

10 Weight-Loss Myths

Cool read.

I used to believe in about 6-7 of those myths

MSN Health & Fitness - 10 Weight-Loss Myths: Don't Be Fooled!:

Wednesday, 28 December 2005

Quotes of the Day :-

Russell Baker

"People seem to enjoy things more when they know a lot of other people have been left out of the pleasure."

Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I...I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.

Man on the Moon

A good quicky on why man is trying to goto the moon again

hint : "science, inspiration and resources"

Tuesday, 27 December 2005

Quote of the Day

C. S. Lewis - We are what we believe we are.

Creme de la tech

Impressive list.

The 50 Greatest Gadgets of the past 50 years

Quick Highlights:-

Ipod in at 2 Atari in at 7 PS2 is 11 Blackberry is 14

Gameboy is 26th ?????

Go read the list for more

Friday, 23 December 2005

Analyse this..... and that

Been the most productive Friday I can remember in a long long time.

Spent the early part of my work time analysing a whole lot of tech companies for this financial research paper I am doing for my company.

It was really overwhelming at first but then slowly I got the hang of it and now 4 hrs later, I have finished the analysis of 6 different sectors in the IT industry from Microsoft to Seagate; from ebay to Google (my personal fav)

Anyway... now after this post, I'll be heading back to staring at a long & wide spreadsheet with lots of dollar signs and even more percentages...

Wish me luck.

Thursday, 22 December 2005

In the city..

A cool Flickr page where people have gotten together to post about the transit strike in nyc.

Some are really nice photos.

A must check out

Wednesday, 21 December 2005

A google holiday

Happy holidays from Google.

Google decided to be generous (again) and post some great tips on more uses for their search engine.

I did not know this but Google has made it very easy to track down toll-free numbers for a lot of major companies. So if there is a problem with any of your gifts, you know where to call.

Google Holiday Helper

Tuesday, 20 December 2005

A good quote I heard on the way to work today.

" Nostalgia is like an grammatical sentence. You find the present tense and the past perfect. "

No taste

I figured out why exactly I did not post any links yesterday. It as due to the fact that one of my most favorite sources, My was down due to power outage.

Anway, the service is back and so am I.

Its all Elvish to me...

No not Elvis..

I am talking about Elvish, the made up language of the Elves in the Lord of the Rings Universe.

Here is a guide to write your name in Elvish in 10 mins apparently.

Worth a look

Monday, 19 December 2005


And yet another slow Monday.

Nothing much happening today.

Even though I know this is just the calm before the storm which will be coming in January... still I cannot wait for the next 10-15 days to be over already.

Thursday, 15 December 2005

The Dead Zone

Wow... fascinating study being done near the tsunami epicenter and the findings are weird.. very weird.

"People found the area around the epicenter to be completely devoid of life"

Shocked scientists find tsunami legacy: a dead sea


A very interesting link which provides history of the naming of a lot of tech companies.

These include Google, Yahoo, Microsft, Apple, Intel, Cisco etc.

Company Names - Do you know this?


Wednesday, 14 December 2005

Tuesday, 13 December 2005

Freq Updates

Discover a very easy way to routinely upload my latest bookmarks from to my blog.

Hope to automate this feature in the near future

Edit : Fixed the location to appear on the side bar below my links and above my bloglines blogroll.

Cool stuff


Ah yes.

Without a doubt my favorite fictional character of all time.

The one and only - Mr. Sherlock Holmes

Monday, 12 December 2005


A very productive day so far.

managed to import my firefox bookies from work into my account.

Check it out - tallguy171

Friday, 9 December 2005

A perfect solution?

Good info on the legendary math problem called Fermat's Last Theorem.

And about the guy who cracked the 300 year old problem.

Damn Interesting

Thursday, 8 December 2005

Biz Sins

Good writeup on the journal. The Wall Street Journal That is.,..

The Five Deadly Business Sins

.............We have a problem

Wow.. A few hrs I am away from the blogosphere and something just HAS to go down..

Proof of the power of social networks... somebody dugg the shooting of a flight passenger by an air marshal and within a few there was a complete wiki ready.

Man, things move fast in cyberspace.

Wednesday, 7 December 2005

Say Cheese

Some good tips for budding shutterbugs everywhere...

Top 10 Tips for Great Pictures

Now time to start implementing the same.

Tuesday, 6 December 2005

Wizards of the coasters

Aah... Goodness...

Labeled as the greatest roller coaster in the world... Awesome pictures. Check out the last two pictures.. hahah hilarious.

Pics from Greatest Coaster

Monday, 5 December 2005

The road ahead - I

You Should Get a PhD in Liberal Arts (like political science, literature, or philosophy)

You're a great thinker and a true philosopher.
You'd make a talented professor or writer.

Well, glad got that one out of the way.

Mr. Greenbags

This one is actually a link incase my dad wants to catch up with his econ..

Anyway, not a bad link for anyone else to check out as well. Econ explained in a very different way... almost philosophically.

One lesson in Economics

Coke n Rum


Not all urban legends are simply legends..

Thank you Scopes once again.

Drug Money

Saturday, 3 December 2005

Nev n Dave » Top 10 tips for effective blog reading - part 1

Cool tips for reading blogs...

The guys recommend Bloglines as an aggregator.. so do I as it is very easy to use and you'll be addictied just like me.

Friday, 2 December 2005

Live from the crime scene Now presents .. drumroll : : How Crime scene investigations work.

Pretty informative stuff.

Don't try this at home... naah kidding... go ahead... just don't go around looking for a dead body.

Thursday, 1 December 2005

Deep Impact

Another good link doin rounds around the block...

Some good pictures of bullets hitting things captured in slo-mo... good stuff


How do you survive?

Now presenting excerpts from some worst case scenario handbooks.

Pretty good info to know for anyone and everyone.

Worst Case Scenarios

Wednesday, 30 November 2005

Old School

Aah, the classic site filled with goodies from the past.

Because as the site says, "newer is not always better"

Head over there and find the right version for you

New fox on the block

Its finally here.

The all new updated Firefox Version 1.5 with tons of updates and new features.

Go download it right now and change the way you browse.

Tuesday, 29 November 2005

New storage media

People have been talking a lot lately about the next thing in storage - Holographic Versatile Disc or HVD's. Remember that name as you will be hearing a lot of it in the future.

Storage ultimately possible of 1.6 terabytes, the drive will debut in Nov 2006 with storage of 300 gigs and with access speeds more than double that of the fastest blue-ray disc.

Can't wait. My mom asked me who could possibly have use for this much storage. I told her that I currently had 320 gigs worth of storage in my gaming rig and then some more via dvd's.

Imagine the ease of storing everything on a single disc.

The amount of time and space saved.

I know I will surely be tracking this technology for a while...

The Tech behind HVD

Friday, 25 November 2005

Running for cover

Here comes Google...

Ushering in a new era in technology and optimization.

Anyone worried? Everyone apparently.

Who's Afraid of Google? Everyone.

Awesome read

Thursday, 24 November 2005

X BOX 360


Justification for my interest in X-Box 360. As anyone who knows me well will tell you, I love consoles... but I swear by my pc. However I knew when I read abt the 360 that things were gonna change. I read the specs and I was hooked. Hopefully sometime in the nearby future, I will be able to save enough to get this piece along with some games.

Now on to this post.

I love winsupersite. I believe no one covers windows quite as well as Paul Thurrott.

And he has a huge review of the x-box. Even if you are not a fan of gaming or consoles in general, check out the review just to read abt the sheer awesomeness of the technology behind the x-box. I know this thing has its detractors as well, but then so does everything.

Xbox 360 Review
As some of you may have noticed, my posts have not been upto their regular frequency.

This is because I am in a process of sorting out my content. There seems to be a lot of stuff I wanna blog about and instead of doing a masala mix as I have been doing the last 2 1/2 years, I am going to operate x number of blogs as per x type of content.

Hopefully, I can get the show on the road soon.. till then... expect probably one interesting link a day or something in that range.

Wednesday, 23 November 2005

A haunting prophecy

Could this guy actually be telling the truth?

And I wonder if that Wired post he mentions written 10 years ago was based on netscape or yahoo? Or maybe Microsoft?

Chronicle of a corporate death foretold.

Tuesday, 22 November 2005

The First View

First major review of the 360 is out. Ironically, its by PC Mag.

Anyway, bottom line is good.... so skeptics can calm themselves.

XBOX 360 review

Wiki Hacks

This guy is on fire.

Now he's got 10 hacks for everyones fav information source : Wikipedia

Ten Wikipedia Hacks

I hope he keeps the good stuff coming....

Monday, 21 November 2005

Enemy of the state?

Is this where paranoia takes you?

Lets talk about Google

Me personally, I think these are the nice guys. And I certainly hope they're sticking around for a while.

Sure, Google owns my life. They host my mail, this blog, my pictures and my searches. But hey, I'm not complaining.

Saturday, 19 November 2005

Tips on blog posts

A good article that gives a blogger who is stuck in a rut ideas to do some good posting.

10 Killer Post Ideas

Friday, 18 November 2005

Office 12

No witty captions needed for this one.

First screenshots and reviews and previews of the Office 12 beta are out.

The one stop shop for everything : Wikipedia

Thursday, 17 November 2005

Nob and Nobility

A great page for information on the British Monarchy

Royalty has always fascinated me and since yesterday when I came across a great article over at HowStuffWorks, I began hunting for information and my first stop was obviously wikipedia.

Whether you agree with the concept or not, you have to admit it is intriguing.

Courtesy Wikipedia

The net showdown

A huge clash went down last night.

Somehow there was a control crisis between the US and other parties in regards to the control and maintainence of the internet.

Deal struck

And yet, there seem to be some elements of anarchy.

Dead or Alive

A good article exploring the recent media circus of scepticism surrounding Microsoft's plans for Windows Live

Courtesy : InformationWeek

Quote "The Microsoft doubters are at it again. Skeptics are questioning Microsoft's ability to deliver on the "Windows Live" strategy outlined recently by Bill Gates and Microsoft CTO Ray Ozzie. If history is a lesson, however, it's a mistake to underestimate Microsoft, a company that has repeatedly shown an ability to catch up to competitors when it falls behind, as it often does. And Microsoft has advantages in the world of Web software that even Google may find hard to match" EndQuote

Wednesday, 16 November 2005

The seeds of science

New website going high on the web's pop charts

Seed Magazine

Definitely wanna check it out

The 360 View

Oh sweet moses,

Its here

First pictures of the X-Box unpacked

Tuesday, 15 November 2005

Hyrbid Theory

A fascinating article on the effectiveness of hybrids.

A must check-out

From OmniNerd

Tales of the Crypt


A very secretive art defined and explained in a really neat way

Overview of Cryptology

Monday, 14 November 2005

In who do we trust?

How Stuff Works - Converting currency into gold bullion

A good stub of information.

Just imagine how easy it is for money to lose its value.

Monday Blues and some Reds

Another monday afternoon in the office.

Nothing much has happened today.. and looks like thats the way its gonna be for the rest of the day as well.

Oh and shout out to my dad who turned 53 today.

Friday, 11 November 2005

The force of the force

Pretty cool idea

Proves that free time and boredom does result in something productive and interesting once in a while

Basically, this guy decided to compare the star wars movies by watching all of em at the same time...

Don’t believe me or make sense of anything, check out the link here

When you wish upon a blog

Fantastic stuff

If you had to make a wish, what would it be?

Be anonymous, that’s the idea. Wish what you want, when you want.

Houston, we have a solution

I wanted to learn how to build a paper airplane... cause I have never done this before in my life.

Perfect website found.

Thursday, 10 November 2005

X-treme control

If anyone was gonna do it, it was gonna be Msoft...

And now they have.

A controller for X-Box AND for the PC

Indie movie list

Cool list

50 greatest independently made movies of all time

I just love compiling such lists in my firefox bookmarks


Cool Tips for you all to take better pictures

Courtesy of Kodak

Wednesday, 9 November 2005

Risky Business

A twist on the old classic

Risk via Google Maps

Monkey Business

Finally, the age old question has been answered

If an infinite number of monkeys were at an infinite number of typewriters, would the work of Shakespeare eventually come out?

Answer over at askphilosophers

I always did think it was possible… just never bothered to sit down and compile a proof.

Around the world in 80 seconds

Phew…. What a head rush!!!!

Check out the link below to see some of the most famous sites around the world via Google maps.

Pretty cool stuff

Tuesday, 8 November 2005

360 Degrees


Awesome package; if this does not entice ps3 fans, don’t know what will

X-Box 360 bundles


And just when I was thinking of trying out a nu-age sleep cycle, I come across this article.

The Consequences of Excessive Wakefulness

Obviously, college students are exempt from this problem.

Slick Deals

The title says it all.

Excellent website for the latest and coolest deals
[Listening to: Beautiful Day - U2 - Best Number One Singles In The World Ever (4:07)]

Monday, 7 November 2005

Great balls of fire

Is this a hoax?

New source of seemingly unlimited energy found

For the sake of mankind’s future, I hope not


Forbes presents: Time Capsule

Now you can send an email to anyone including yourself after a long delay.

Write about your life, your friends and get the ultimate flashback even twenty years from now.

Got to think of something creative to write… somewhere along the lines of Back to the Future

Monday again..

Crazy week-end.. with music, food, drinks and some X Files

Oh, and new pictures on the photo blog

Saturday, 5 November 2005

Its been a while..

Finally, after five long months, my computer has returned to its sanctum sanctorum..

Expect pics definitely more often now....

Quote - A long life

Great Quote by I. F. Stone
"If you live long enough, the venerability factor creeps in; first, you get accused of things you never did, and later, credited for virtues you never had."

Tube takin a beatin

Breaking news: People choose computer over television

Hmm… I wonder why?

The Poll as reported on The Shifted Librarian

Friday, 4 November 2005

Philosophize this!!

Wow, are you kidding me?

Where was this site (Ask Philosophers) hidden all this time? People who say I get too philosophical at times are right; I will certainly be lurking around here.

Watch this space for excerpts soon….

Star Works

No way could this link wait for some other time.

How the Death Star works

This post goes out to my buddy Justin – one of the craziest star wars fans I’ve met.

Template change

The title says it all.

I decided to change the template today as the last one was a bit too much on the eyes... or thats the feeling I got earlier today.

Plan on changing the template for the pictures blog as well sometime this week-end. I have a template already selected which will debut with the next batch of pictures to go online.

Drop me a line if you like the change....

The Science of Sudoku

Really fascinating stuff

I like to solve these regularly at work to get my mind going

The Sudoku Wiki

The Desktop Wars

Will be interesting to see how this one plays out.

I mean, can Google wrest control of the Desktop away from Microsoft in time for Vista?

Google Desktop 2 Blog

Flight Plan


Flight patterns observed to create visual gratification

Flight Patterns - Traffic as seen by the FAA

Thursday, 3 November 2005


HilariousAudiophile : The Truth


More goodies from google... the new santa who delivers 365 days a year

Google Video Goodness

What a chase!

Fantastic game and an awesome performance.

India wins in style.

Got Glue?

I am going linky happy here today.. being back after a nice break does that sometimes.. anyway this one is the old classic.

If you ever want to know how to glue one thing to something else, don't go any further.

I trust some of my cousins and buddies can find some lets just say "devilish" ways to use this info.

This to that

Living Colors

Awesomeness once again from somewhere on the web.. and once again my job to find it and brink it to you.

Now this beauty is all about finding the right color combo... be it for a house wall or for a website..

Use it and have fun..

Color Scheme Generator

The above link is for the FAQ... navigate for the online app or download for offline use from same link above.

Great Pyramid of ?

Cool website which generates population pyramids (graphs that show the distribution of population by age and sex) for most of the countries in the world.

Do check it out

IDB Population Graphs

Happy Diwali

Wishing everyone a truly happy Diwali

Had a blast in Indore where I have been going to spend Diwali since time immemorial.

Hopefully post some new pictures this week-end. (fingers crossed)

Friday, 28 October 2005

A few good hits

Ever since a couple of my pages were linked on, my hits have been pretty steady.

Hope to see this blog go onto some more hot-hit sites like digg, etc.

Stay fit... while you sit

Don't get an injury if you have to work all day while sitting in front of the screen.

Great guide.

Follow this and stay in good health

Exercise while sitting at the computer

Thursday, 27 October 2005

Busy and yet...

Been real busy at work today

And yet, looking forward to tonight when I re-unite with some lost friends...

Should be a blast

Wednesday, 26 October 2005

Tsunami hoaxes

Is this a hoax as well..

Someone went into a lot of trouble coming up with this...

Anyway, here is the link.

Read and make your own opinions.

Was New York responsible for the tsunami


No.. not the Simple Life song...

this is a virtual craze which I finally let myself fall into..

Thats totally delicious

Lifehack presents The Art of Writing

Fifty tools to help you write

Cool tips for everyone

Tuesday, 25 October 2005

And the blowfish

no hootie here

For privacy maniacs like myself

Now presenting : The blowfish encryption tool

A serious algo for hard-disk encryption


Just registered this on the hit counter:-

6.24 October15:08Bureau of the Census, Washington, D.C., United States


Counting sheep

I want to try and fall into this sleep cycle but I doubt my job will allow it.

Uberman's sleep schedule

And as many of you already know, most old-school inventors used this to optimize their day.... da vinci was the most famous which is why this is sometimes referred to as the Da Vinci Cycle...

Monday, 24 October 2005

Hello World

I'm back with a bang

How Google Earth works

Cool Stuff

Friday, 21 October 2005


My first Friday in India since January earlier this year...

The possibilities are simply endless...

Thursday, 20 October 2005


Seems like my new work might keep me busy for a while

I just hope to find some time to do some creative projects on the side like photography and image editing...

Only time will tell

Tuesday, 18 October 2005

Back to work

Started work last night in India.

Seems like a pretty cool job. More details to follow.

Saturday, 15 October 2005

Sweet Home Mumbai

And I'm back home.

Can't wait to meet all my buds later on today along with some of my family around here.

The posts will be short and definately no pics till I get faster internet in my room.

Thursday, 13 October 2005

Last night

Last night in Buffalo.

So many 'lasts' have been taking place for me the last two weeks that its not even funny anymore.

Anyway, its nice and quite and I am enjoying a wonderful warm cup of tea. Writing a few emails, shouting out to a few buddies who I will only see online for the next year or so and then its time to hit the old dusty trail for some shut eye.

Early flight in the am to new york city followed by a very-long flight back to India.

ET Going Home

Tuesday, 11 October 2005

How to Disappear Completely

The evenings have always brought about a sense of melancholy in me since I was a kid.

Which is why I am listnening to some music that is sorta emo. I can't really stand true emo cause it makes me think of the generic rich-white-kid-with-a-fake-problem.

Anyway, moving along the song playing right now is one of my favorite Radiohead hits. Hence the title of this post.

Lyrics below:- Listnen to it if you ever get the chance. Really good for ambience as well.

How to Disappear Completely Lyrics

That there
That's not me
I go
Where I please
I walk through walls
I float down the Liffey
I'm not here
This isn't happening
I'm not here
I'm not here

In a little while
I'll be gone
The moment's already passed
Yeah it's gone
And I'm not here
This isn't happening
I'm not here
I'm not here

Strobe lights and blown speakers
Fireworks and hurricanes
I'm not here
This isn't happening
I'm not here
I'm not here

Absolutely h-to-the-ilarious


So funny

The Gizoogled version of Ruman's Blog

Monday, 10 October 2005

Wow... for the love of a game

This is why I love baseball..

'Stro's in 18

Instant Classic?

Sunday, 9 October 2005

Leaving the island

Moving time has come again.

This time its a pretty big move. Leaving the place on Roosevelt Island, NY and moving back home to Bombay, India.

More on this soon.......

Tuesday, 4 October 2005



Turned 22 today

Birthday shout out to myself

Decisions Decisions

I can't make decisions

Luckily, some decisions end up being made for me.

Saturday, 1 October 2005

Wake me up when September ends....

Thus goes the latest Green Day song doing the radio.

It seems true for me. This has been a long month with tons of ups and downs.. relax people.. this has nothing to do with my life but that of my favorite sport's team - The New York Yankees.

I never wrote about them since last october cause as some people will tell you - read former room-mates, family etc, I happen to be superstitious to the nth degree. Well, what happened was something I can never forget. If you go through the archives and look at entries from october 2004, there are a few that mention the yankees. There were a lot earlier but I ended up deleting them cause as it happened, the Yankees were playing their arch-rival (enemies is more suitable) Boston Red Sox in a 7 game baseball series. Yankees won the first three no problem but then after I wrote about them going for the sweep et all, they proceeded to lose the next four and the world has not been the same again. Well... at least in New York and New England.

Anyway, since that day I have never written about any of my sports teams before thy actually win. Period.

Which is why, even in this post I am not predicting who is going to win this weekend which happens to be the final regular season baseball weekend of the season. Yankees travel for a three game set to Boston. Winner takes all.

I plan on stocking up on a ton of booze and camping in front of my tv this weekend.

A) Not because I am an alcoholic.
B) Not because I am a loner.

Well, I may be a loner but I am certainly no alcoholic. Beer and baseball go well together. 'Nuff said.

My solitary surroundings in watching this game is something more that just wanting to be alone. As of late, Baseball has become sort of a almost cultish obsession. I know many people got addicted to the game the same way I did. I follow it with the zeal of an evangelist. end my ramblings september is over. My heart can rest. Oh wait.... here comes october and the playoffs.

Green Day needs a new song for the radios anyway.

Crouching tiger no more

Hey, looks like we are catching up to the dragon which by the way is definately not hidden.

India's growth rate up

Thursday, 29 September 2005


This guy certainly is not.

Lost Season 2 map

He's got a map et all.

And I thought I was obsessed with this show.

Oh well, more goodies for the rest of us.

Win Share

For any fellow baseball fanatics

Win Shares

Now only if someone could come up with something even remotely comprehenseive as these stats for cricket, I'll die a happy man.

Naah.. just kidding.. about the dying part

Wednesday, 28 September 2005

Happy Birthday

Only fitting that a week before my own birthday, Google celebrates its.

Happy Birthday Google

And they are off to the markets...

Feeling bullish?

Original Content at yahoo finance

Pretty cool. Some famous faces offering free advice. You can bet people are gonna be hooked.

Monday, 26 September 2005

Nihilism anyone?

Something new for the day


Sounds cool... hafta read more about it though.

Saturday, 24 September 2005

Lost in money

Awesome stats for Lost Season 2 premiere

Lots of viewers

Good to see a good show get good rep

Woah - Slick

I am not one to use the word 'sexy' often when describing technology but this embodies that word.


goto their website to see more if interested in buying it.

Chins needs to see this.. so anyway Happy Birthday Chins today and also Neha tommorow.


Office 12 to get a makeover

Pics of changes

Looks cool

Friday, 23 September 2005

Sound check

Seems like a cool dude

Gaming Audio and more

All time Movie Post

This post was inspired by a random blog I found today. Its a familiar list but I modified a few categories

Warning : This is going to be a long post.. Email me your list or feel free to post your favorites in the comments section.

First Movie I Ever Saw In A Theatre: Home Alone (I remember this as being the first?)

5 Favorite Action Movies:
The Mummy
The Matrix Trilogy
Die Hard 3 : Die with a Vengeance
The entire Lord of the Rings Trilogy

5 Favorite Martial Arts Movies:
The Legend of Drunkun Master
Enter the Dragon
Fist of legend
Police Story
The Matrix series again

5 Favorite Dramas:
The Shawshank Redemption
Man On Fire
A Few Good Men
Wall Street
Pulp Fiction

5 Favorite Classics:
Citizen Kane
The Godfather
Ben Hur
The Ten Commandments

5 Favorite Comedies:
Blazing Saddles
Back to School
Van Wilder
Life is Beautiful
The Gold Rush <----- My fav Chaplin movie

5 Favorite Animated Movies:
The Lion King
Robin Hood
The Jungle Book
The Land before Time

5 Favorite Scary/Thriller Movies:
Urban Legend
I Know What You Did Last Summer
Final Destination
The Omen

5 Movies I Always End Up Watching When They're On TV
A Few Good Men
The Shawshank Redemption
Batman - The First one only
Independance Day
Cruel Intentions

5 Movies People Make Fun Of Me For Liking
All Dogs Go to Heaven
George of the Jungle
The One
Pride of the Yankees

Phew... and that's a wrap.

Thursday, 22 September 2005

Earth to Africa : Hi there

Google Earth puts Africa on the map....

This one is for all you animal and natural geographic addicts.

NGC Special on google earth

Wednesday, 21 September 2005

The best a man can get

On a brighter note.

Coming soon to a store near you..

5 blade razor

Flip side of technology

Disgusting mis-use of technology.

Wikipedia attacked by Nazis

The Sigma Protocol

First review posted.

The Sigma Protocol


Time ran out

Death of a famous Nazi hunter

Simon Wiesenthal

Tuesday, 20 September 2005

When in Roma

I try to find something fascinating on Wikipedia every day.

The Roma

And I always surprise myself with what I find.

So much to read and understand. So little time

Saturday, 17 September 2005

Green grass

Awesomely funny quote just seconds ago.

Walter : You got any work to do
Me : Nah, I finished all the work I had
Him : Man, I wish I had your job
Me : You know what they say, "The Grass is always greener on the other side."
Him : Yeah, but on your side the grass is truly green.


On a side note. Looking forward to getting some cleaning done in my apartment this week-end.

Friday, 16 September 2005

Random Searches

I always thought how I would feel when I would eventually be stopped by the Police to get my bag searched. Would I feel anger? frustration? fear? or all of the above.

When it actually happened today, what I felt was just resignation. Nothing else.

Look, I accept the fact that people have to be searched. I am not a crazy right-wing conservative. But at the same time I am not a crazy left-wing liberal. I am realistic. I understand that some things just have to be done damn the consequences. I mean all you have to do is look at the alternative for a second and you understand why this is necessary.

Just don't patronize me. The day the searches first started, I walked to the local subway and found a lot of people being searched. I headed to the the bus terminal, picked up a newspaper expecting to find the Police saying exactly what they said. "We will be conducting 'random' bag searches. We will not be profiling people"

Are you kidding me? Just tell me the truth and I will be fine with it. Which is why I respected the one local government guy who said "Lets search all Arabs". I mean yeah that's kind of a harsh statement but that's what they do anyway.

Just say that we are going to be searching all brown people. Just say it. If that's what you are actually going to be doing. Don't indulge us in this hypocritical bullshit.

End of anarchy?

Apparently Palestinian's have stopped the madness at the border.

Palestinians 'end' Gaza anarchy

Yeah. Right.


Saw the season finale of Lost last night. Can't wait to see the new season which will debut Next Wednesday.

I think I am gonna start a new blog just for reviewing movies, tv-shows and books that I watch/read.

Edit... I just did -

The Ra View

Can't promise constant updates

Thursday, 15 September 2005

A little up north

An interesting article about Pervez Musharraf and the war on terror

Via BBC news

I don't see an end to this mess. And I am an Optimist

Real time

Saw another episode of Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO last night.

This show is really good. Bill Maher might be the best news/comedy guy second only to John Stewart.

A direct quote from last night's show which originally aired on Friday the 9th.

Bill: (to President Bush) On your watch, we've lost almost all of our allies, the surplus, four airliners, two trade centers, a piece of the Pentagon, and the city of New Orleans. Maybe you're just not lucky!


Find Yourself - No, I'm serious

A new search engine unveiled by the gods at google.

This one allows people to search though blogs (such as the one you are reading) along with RSS (Really Simply Syndication) feeds.


Check the link for an example.

Google Blog Search

Ego-maniacs ... enjoy

Tuesday, 13 September 2005

A global view

Google Earth is great.

But is it also dangerous?

Apparently some countries believe so...

In depth military pics

Personally, I think information is knowledge and should never be sheltered

The third dimension

Wow.. really cool technology..... if you can afford it

3d monitor

Monday, 12 September 2005

Back from the Ashes

England have finally done it

Wait is over


Saturday, 10 September 2005

Surprisingly quick move?


Didn't know the Bush government could move this fast.

Director of FEMA removed

I was sure they were gonna give this guy a medal of some sort

Friday, 9 September 2005

Burning Bush



Google slams Bush once more

Out of this world

Another cool looking product from a company I desperately wanna buy something from

Alienware's new mp3 plans

Looks so slick

California - Here we come

The Third Season of  The O.C. kicks off tonight.

Should be another great season. Can't wait

Thursday, 8 September 2005

The Daily Show

Watch John Stewart if you can.

Especially last night's episode which will repeat tonight at 8:00 pm on Comedy Central

This guy is my hero

Wednesday, 7 September 2005

Strange visitors

Oh and I was just checking the statistics for the blog to check the hits which I do every morning and I found two strange entries below:-

6 September    11:53 Saudi Arabia Backbone, Saudi Arabia

6 September    14:15 Federal Aviation Administration, Washington, D.C., United States

Interesting. What could have possibly attracted such visitors to the blog?

All roads lead to rome

I don't know if I mentioned this earlier.

But I love the new tv show Rome on HBO. Really good historical drama/thrill ride.

Should be one heck of a series.

Note - Viewer discretion is advised

Tuesday, 6 September 2005

Back in the city

I'm back in the Big Apple.

What an awesome week-end trip I had. Buffalo was fun. Got to hang out with my buddies and haunt our old joints. Got to eat some delicious Indian food and got to just take some time off and chill

I feel so much better coming back today. I think everyone should take some time outs once in a while to maintain optimum functioning capability

Thursday, 1 September 2005

Going going back back to Buffalo Buffalo - The Notorious Tallguy

As I head back to Buffalo for the long-weekend tomorrow after a long period of 2 whole months.. I am thinking about all the things I actually miss about Buffalo. I knew I was gonna miss it but not like this. Not for these reasons.

Here goes:

I miss subs at Wegmans

I miss 50 Cent Bowling Monday nights

I miss cheap taco bell food

I miss the super fast Internet connection

I miss 2 for 1 happy hour and Southwestern Egg Rolls at Chillies

I miss playin Ball

I miss workin out

I miss Thursday night bowling

I miss Thursday night at Molly's followed by A Slice at Sal's

I miss kicking ass at Racquetball

I miss getting my ass kicked at Backgammon

I miss playing Bug House

I miss all our theme parties

I miss late night visits to Toms's

I miss early morning visits to Tom's

I miss playing Poker

I miss the chance to drive

And finally I miss the feeling you get when you have stayed up all night talking to your room-mates who like yourself are or are close to being erudite in topics like Geography, History, Religion, Science and the Classics.

In short - looking forward to this weekend

Wednesday, 31 August 2005

Good times

Had good times last evening

On my online explorations for the best happy hour deals in the city, I came across Jake's Dilemma.

Good location, excellent variety of beer and awesome happy hour deals. Met up with Justin and had a few beers and some nachos.

Then met up with Julia and we visited an Ethiopian restaurant... definitely weird although the wine was so good it almost made me not guilt.

Guilty - Why you may ask? Well, it seemed unfair to me that people are enjoying Ethiopian food and wasting tons of it at the same time as there are thousands if not millions of Ethiopians starving for a few morsels of food...

Anyway.. enough of my ramblings.. all in all a good night out. Definitely need to hang out with my buds more often.

The Maverick Strikes Again

A very interesting and well written article about hedge funds based on betting in Vegas rather than Wall Street

Lets see where this goes

Blog Maverick


" You could also make the argument that when you buy a stock, you own part of a company. Legally it's true. In practice it's not. For non-dividend paying companies, you have nothing but a piece of paper. The only hope you have if that company starts to decline is to find someone who will buy it from you.

A sports or blackjack or poker bet doesn't have value beyond that game or hand. In that respect it's just like the hundreds of millions, if not billions ,of options that are traded, but never converted, on stocks, commodities and other assets around the world every day."


Now thats what I call a cool image.

Courtesy of - The Yankees fan site

Tuesday, 30 August 2005

Break out series?

Watched the new thriller/drama Prison Break on Fox last night

I think this is going to be one of the new hit shows of the fall season. Good fast paced direction. Good acting and a crisp script keep this show from the people who initially brought us 24 fresh and cool.

Something to look forward to on Mondays.

Check it out if you get the chance

Prison Break at Tvtome

Time flies


It just hit me.

The back-pack I carry around every day has been with me for more than 3 years now

Now thats something ... oh and its in perfect shape and condition too...

Monday, 29 August 2005

In the name of Science


Bogus Science?

Be sure to check out the rest of the cool exhibits on this site

The Truth is Right Here

At last

The Truth

Nice name - The Why Files

Saturday, 27 August 2005

Ready to rumble?

An interesting development over at Espn


Looks interesting

Friday, 26 August 2005

Grow...... And the world grows with you

Incredible statistics of world population growth


Holiday time in India... among other things

Its Holiday time in India

The Reason

Also, my good friend Shooter is back in town... well in Buffalo actually. Starting his final semester of school.. so good luck buddy

Also, head over to our combined blog called The Bughouse after the very addictive chess game My three room-mates and I played a lot during senior year.

Shooter posted some original pictures there from the crazy monsoons in India.

Now, where are the posts from my other two roomies?

Thursday, 25 August 2005



I got three comments on my blog all in one day.

Yippee... thanks guys for making my day

Keep em coming

Wednesday, 24 August 2005

Google Talk

The next revolution from the people I love over at Google

Google Talk

Tuesday, 23 August 2005


And finally... features cricket


My beloved finally embraces cricket

Inside the truth

Saw the second part of the two part mini-series Inside 9/11 last night on the National Geographic Channel.

Wow, what a powerful documentary. I thought I knew all there was to know about this significant event but I was wrong.

So much more happened; so much more was said; was seen and felt. I urge you all to check it out if you get the chance.

A warning though... Images are disturbing and at the end you will want to turn the TV off... I quickly changed to Whose Line is It Anyway? On ABC Family cause after all that violence, I needed some laughs.

Friday, 19 August 2005

The Underground

On a brighter note, I found the website below which contains fascinating pictures and descriptions of the most beautiful subway stations around the world.

A wonderful website

Metro Arts and Architecture


Missile Crisis?

Missiles fire from Jordon Port

On a whim, I checked the news online and found this.

Bibliotheque & Spies

Finished The Rule of Four last night.

Go out and read it, it just might change the way you see things. I know it has already changed the way I view things and people around me.

Yesterday I finally managed to do what I wanted to for quite some time now.

Became a member of the New York Public Library - Roosevelt Island Branch located literally a stone's throw away from my place.

The first book I took out yesterday - Gideon's spies - A book about the only secret intelligence service that I can say has fascinated me almost as much as the KGB. The agency I speak of is non other than Mossad -> The Israeli secret agency.

A look at the lives, lies and truths behind this almost mythical agency which has pulled off some of history's greatest coups and also suffered some of history's hardest losses.

More on the Mossad and this book in the coming days.

Thursday, 18 August 2005

One Rule to Rule them all

Busy with work... a lot of it.

The Silver Lining is that I have lately been obsessed with The Rule of Four written by two Ivy League Graduates.

I think it is probably one of the most well written books I have ever read. Very engrossing and it often gave me the 'willies'

A book that is absolutely unputdownable

AS soon  as I finish the book I shall have a more detailed review with probably my fav quotes from the book..

Monday, 15 August 2005

Tryst with Destiny

Happy Birthday India

Saturday, 13 August 2005

The actor becomes......... a blogger?

Indian actor Amir Khan (who remains my fav actor) now has started blogging as promotion for his upcoming movie The Rising based on the semi-successful Indian uprising of 1857 CE

Amir Khan now a blogger

In the movie, Amir plays the role of Mangal Pandey, whose self-sacrifice inspired generations of Indians

I can't wait to see this movie.

Friday, 12 August 2005

GGI and quota system

In my view, what I like to call the GGI or The Gorgeous Girl Index has been rising quite rapidly the last few days. A lot more good looking girls are prominent on the subway, at port authority or even just on the streets.

Oh and getting a new haircut certainly helps my cause as now girls actually look at me more than once..... hehe I can carefully observe them ... hmm that sounds too stalkerish... and thats so not the case.

Anyway.. I am moving away from the main purpose of this post...

States cannot pursue Quota system in admissions process

Now why could this not have been implemented earlier... like 10-20 years ago? I'll never know.

Still, the fact is that it was and for that I am happy.

Cruise Control

Are you shitting me?

Pakistan tests cruise missile

Thursday, 11 August 2005

This just in

Just read this today in the local newspaper.

Apparently Texas is now the fourth state in the U.S to have whites as a non-majority i.e a MINORITY.

Huh, strange as that might be, its true.

Hispanics now count for 50.26 % of Texas's population, a census survey report to be released this week declares.



And once again, as it has been for the entire week so far, I am busy with so much going on around me.

Right now just took a walk to the local vending machine and got myself a very nice and cool, Sprite which I plan to relish and enjoy for the next few minutes and then its back to work.

Still waiting for some good news about my vid card though....

Tuesday, 9 August 2005

Drift Away

Had a really good escape last week from the crazy jungle that is the tri state area.

Met up with the dc crew and also those from buffalo. Good times... Eating, drinking, poker and lots of laughs.

Can't wait to do it all over again come Diwali.


Tuesday, 2 August 2005


Everything is finally falling into place..

Sorry, don't mean to be vague but I'll elaborate in a few posts... (promise)

Last day in nyc for this week... taking a break from things and heading out to see some friends, family and just have some plain fun

Friday, 29 July 2005

Friday madness

So busy right now that it does not even seem like a friday.

On the bright side, my cuz smita drops in from beantown for a week-end of fun.

Next week I might be heading to ocean city for a family thingie...


Holy crap...

Female Android invented

The future has arrived

Thursday, 28 July 2005

The Vista Beta View


Paul Thurrott's review of the beta is out.

Looks good so far.

The Vista Beta Review

Wednesday, 27 July 2005

Day after tommorow

Oh and on a side note... actually not that much of a side note, I was watching The Day After Tomorrow again the other day on HBO.

Film mirrors reality that's all I can say.. well, except for the total opposite in a few ways... you'll know what I mean when you see the movie.


Proof that the world has gone freakin insane.

95 F in NYC and 100+ F in other parts of the country killing people in the US and rains are apparently killing people in my home city of Mumbai.

Are you kidding me?

And life goes on....

Tuesday, 26 July 2005

More search improvements

Google search has gotten so much better over the years.

Further proof. Courtesy of the google blog.

Google Search: what is the population of India

Ans:- India
Population: 1,065,070,607 (July 2004 est.)
According to

Nice.. Lot of questions are now answered by google.

For Example,

When did WWII end?
How many people live in Alaska?
What atomic number is boron?
What is the frequency, Kenneth?
What is Vanilla Ice's real name?
What is Noam Chomsky known for?
and even :- How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop?

Lunar madness

So cool...

Have I already mentioned that I love google.

Google Moon


" Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS)"

The facts & and figures

Stats for the US

Monday, 25 July 2005

The Market

Woo-hoo for Indian Stocks

Good news for India's 130 year old stock exchange. One of the oldest in the world and the oldest in Asia.


During the past few weeks, I have noticed quite a few things.

The most important thing I noticed was in my thinking itself.

There is obviously a difference in ideology here. People around me seem afraid of questioning things around them. They just seem to take things as they are given, doing nothing more and perhaps even nothing less.

I can see lately that I am sort of a rebel everywhere. I do, ask, tell people things differently than most people around me. Not that this is a bad thing or anything of that sort.

This pursuit of knowledge and the quest for self improvement comes very naturally now-a-days. That's just the discipline I have put myself through the past few years. Not content with being stagnant and always trying to move forward - that's what I've become.

Lets see where this "yellow brick road" takes me.

And I'm back

Back from my break.

Hopefully, postings should go back to their usual tempo.

Monday, 18 July 2005


On definite Hiatus for some time..
No updates till next week.

Wednesday, 13 July 2005

Get Busy

Gonna be real busy the this week and possibly also the next.
hence, posts will be far and few... if posted at all


I'd Like to give a shout out to my sis oh her engagement...
Sucks that I had to miss it though
Anyway... congratulations

Monday, 11 July 2005

Chilling with some cats

A sleepy sunday here today.

Spent the day eating, reading, watching tv and chilling with some cats....

Start some serious training tommorow.

Friday, 8 July 2005

Busy Busy

So much work to do right now...


Open Skies

Wow. Re 1 Tickets

Thursday, 7 July 2005

The Day After

Blasts rock London

Day after Olympics awarded to London...

Ok.. so now we know that Al-Qaida is anti-Global Harmony

oh and that they hate anyone who went to Iraq and Afghanistan

Not this again

Tempers Flare in India

Just yesterday I was defending the Indian way of living together in peace without having seen or experienced any kind of racism or differentiation based on religion to a few people...

And now this shit again...

Wednesday, 6 July 2005

dark gotham

Posting during lunch break.

The Gothamist

A cool blog about New York City


I visited this place yesterday,,,,, they seem to be doing lots of nice stuff over there.

This place has a very cool retro look..

I'll be haunting this place very frequently in the next few weeks..

I'll keep posting updates


London Calling

London to host 2012 summer games


Surprise surprise, NYC somehow missed out on a great opportunity.. oh well maybe next time.

By the way I love the possibility of Mumbai 2020..

Anyone else?

Tuesday, 5 July 2005

Its all in the details

Electronic Data Interchange

This is what I will be basically doing once I start work.

Very cool stuff

The guns are out

China tells U.S. Congress to butt out of Unocal bid

It will be interesting to see how this develops

4th of July

Yesterday was so much fun being the 4th of July and all.

Went to Long Island for some volleyball in the sun alongwith some excellent food and Jal Jeera.

Then some amazing fireworks..

Overall had a blast .. haha

Posting via email

Trying out this new (well for me anyways) feature that lets me post to the blog via email instead of all the other editiors and the like.

Feels nice.

Monday, 4 July 2005

Moved into my new apartment

Loving this new experience so far.

However there is some bad news... something happened to either my monitor or my vid card so no new pictures for a few atleast.

Also frequency of postings on this blog as well might be less..

Everything else is fun... please email me to get in touch if needed.

Wednesday, 29 June 2005

As my cousin Sameer would say:-

"Hello Hello"

'New era' on defense for India and U.S.

A must check out for cartoon fans like myself...

Cartoon Laws of Physics

Updated with shots of Dc and West Palm Beach.

The Pics

Tuesday, 28 June 2005

The A copy of 24


Don't blow this

? Wal-Mart’s John Walton dies in an aircraft crash :: TechWhack News :: Tech Stuff and Business News


"Forbes Magazine estimates his net worth to be in excess of USD 18 billion and he was an active board member of the Wal-Mart Stores"

Sunday, 26 June 2005

Tuesday, 21 June 2005

Probably my last all nighter for a while.

This is so because I will be starting work in a couple of weeks.

So time to start 'The Grind' a.k.a 9-5 M-F

But I plan to keep my self busy even on the week-ends...

Hopefully I can do some thing on the side and keep life interesting..

Gonna start driving to the airport in a few as today I am driving my self to the airport and its time to hit west palm beach...


Hopefully I will have tons of pics to post when I get back


Sunday, 19 June 2005

My travels begin again

I drive my aunt, uncle and cousins to the airport in a few hrs then relaxing for a while. Probably catch Batman Begins with Shooter tommorow night and then tuesday morning I head to West Palm Beach, Florida for some sun and fun.

Come back on Friday and fly to nyc on the 27th to move into my new digs.

Lot of action...

oh and I won $30 last night in poker

Thursday, 16 June 2005

Some good news..

At last I got the apartment I had set my eyes on

Plan to move in the week-end of the 1st of July


Wednesday, 15 June 2005

Tuesday, 14 June 2005 - NBA - Lakers rehire Jackson


Very important breaking news

Back in the buff....

Tuesday, 7 June 2005

Last post

Final post from my apartment in hadley

Moving the computer in a few....

[Listening to: Lose Yourself - Eminem - Grammy Nominees 2004 (4:25)]

Time to say goodbye

Time has come to leave the place where I made so many memories. I can say with a straight face that they were all good.. I will not have the slightest feeling of sadness when I think about the times I spent here and for that I am glad.

This was the first apartment of my own I had ever rented and so when I moved in I did not know what was going to happen here. Would I survive on my own with very little supervision from my family and the answer was a resounding YES.

So many parties took place in this small apartment of ours. So many people have visited this place; eaten, drunk and laughed here.

My room was just a small part of the scene but so many memories. I never felt this way moving out of the dorms last few years. This year was certainly different.

I can't believe I actually feel so sad leaving. But change is the only constant thing in life and life always goes on.

So goodbye 101K for all the good times and memories which will last me a lifetime.

veni, vidi, vici (I came, I saw, I conquered)
- Julius Caesar

[Listening to: Time to Say Goodbye - Andrea Bocelli feat Sarah Brightman - Romanza (4:05)]

Saturday, 4 June 2005

Make millions by begging on Wall St




Moving your entire life to a new city is very... very tough

Millennium Simulation - the largest ever model of the Universe

Thats very cool

Friday, 3 June 2005

A very good write-up for effective management of To do lists

43 Folders: Cringe-Busting your TODO list
Huh, interesting article.

Drug Gives Men Staying Power


I wonder what Viagra was doing all this time

Thursday, 2 June 2005

Business blogging by Yoda

And may the blog be with you

Wednesday, 1 June 2005


And it finally Happened.

France says Non

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.
New Scientist Breaking News - Heroin addiction gene identified and blocked

Is this a real breakthrough for modern science?


Wow, the hits just took off today on my picture's site...

The crew from washington, dc making up for lost time I bet..

[Listening to: Botanical Dimensions - Shpongle - Nothing Lasts (4:36)]

Tuesday, 31 May 2005

Oregon Man completes world's longest game of Star Wars - Gaming Age



Google now allows users to customize their search page and make it more personal like yahoo

Had a real good trip to Cincy, Ohio.. really impressed with the city but thats another story.

The wedding was real good and I should be posting pictures when I get back to my apartment.

Workplace | Young Indians inventing | | CNET


Friday, 27 May 2005

wow.... busy busy

"So much to do; so little time"
- Joker (Batman)

chores, ohio, jersey, ub, nyc, dc, ub, nj for a year

[Listening to: The World At Large - Modest Mouse - Good News For People Who Love Bad News (4:32)]
A truly great song that means so much to me... even more now than ever

Modest Mouse

World at Large

Ice-age heat wave, can't complain.
If the world's at large, why should I remain?
Walked away to another plan.
Gonna find another place, maybe one I can stand.
I move on to another day,
to a whole new town with a whole new way.
Went to the porch to have a thought.
Got to the door and again, I couldn't stop.
You don't know where and you don't know when.
But you still got your words and you got your friends.
Walk along to another day.
Work a little harder, work another way.

Well uh-uh baby I ain't got no plan.
We'll float on maybe would you understand?
Gonna float on maybe would you understand?
Well float on maybe would you understand?

The days get shorter and the nights get cold.
I like the autumn but this place is getting old.
I pack up my belongings and I head for the coast.
It might not be a lot but I feel like I'm making the most.
The days get longer and the nights smell green.
I guess it's not surprising but it's spring and I should leave.

I like songs about drifters - books about the same.
They both seem to make me feel a little less insane.
Walked on off to another spot.
I still haven't gotten anywhere that I want.
Did I want love? Did I need to know?
Why does it always feel like I'm caught in an undertow?

The moths beat themselves to death against the lights.
Adding their breeze to the summer nights.
Outside, water like air was great.
I didn't know what I had that day.
Walk a little farther to another plan.
You said that you did, but you didn't understand.

I know that starting over is not what life's about.
But my thoughts were so loud I couldn't hear my mouth.
My thoughts were so loud I couldn't hear my mouth.
My thoughts were so loud.
Finally did it

Got started on posting all those pics I took recently on the trip to the Grand Canyon and Sin City

and the hits keep coming in

Thursday, 26 May 2005

Tuesday, 24 May 2005

Back from Sin City and The Grand Canyon

Awesome trip

Took 250+ pics

Expect a lot at the other website

Wednesday, 18 May 2005

Posting from long island after around 9 months or so. Its ceratinly been a while.

Right now just chillin with my cuz Shival who gets done with his finals tommorow. The Star Wars Premiere takes place tommorow night at midnight so that should certainly be a blast.

Gotta also look for apartments and stuff in the meantime.

From Long Island, this is Ruman
Ruman's Blog

Over and out

Monday, 16 May 2005


Off on a road trip to NYC. The next couple of days include plans of visiting Long Island and then the Star Wars Premiere on the 18th-19th Midnight.

19th, Fly out of here with some folks to Vegas. Time for some entertainment.

Back in Buffalo on the 24th of May. Some final days of hangin out in Buffalo... try spending time with people who mean a lot to me..... Then a final goodbye and then packing nightmares which my mom and aunt will hopefully help me get through.

Rent a car most likely and I'm off to a brand new life in The City that Never Sleeps.

Exciting - You bet
Scary - A little
Should be fun - I'm all in
Will I keep updating my memoirs - You can count on it.

Over and out

[Listening to: Float On - Modest Mouse - Good News For People Who Love Bad News (3:28)]

Sunday, 15 May 2005

Done with graduation.

Wow, can't describe what I feel right now.

Relief, Exhaustion, Happiness, Sadness are just some of the various emotions mixing in the blender that my brain has become.

This is it.

Graduation Day has finally arrived.

Saturday, 14 May 2005

A Cap and Gown affair

Got my cap and gown today from the university bookstore.

Its really hitting me now...

I will be a collegian no more in less than 30 hours....

Feeling really reminiscent and melancholy right now

[Listening to: I'm So Happy I Can't Stop Crying - Sting feat. Toby Keith - (4:07)]

Wednesday, 11 May 2005



Our AC was fixed today which means cool air for the few remaining days in the land of the lake effect...

[Listening to: Cant Get Enough - raghav - (3:46)]


Stick a fork in me

I'm Done

[Listening to: Dont Give Up 2004 Alex Gold And The Sound Express Mix - Chicane Ft Bryan Adams - Xtravaganza (11:40)]

Last nights bowling

Oh and last night was monday night bowling for possibly last time and all that...

Started off poorly but ended up with a 170 average over 4 games... My highest ever

Bowled a 199 in the second game. My Third Highest score ever. It was also my very first clean game. That means a game without a single open. All spares and strikes.

Good stuff.

Back to work

[Listening to: Ironic - Alanis Morissette - (3:49)]

Tuesday, 10 May 2005

This is it

Last Final at UB has arrived.

On that note...

Micawber's Two Rules of Finance
1. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen nineteen six, result happiness.
2. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result misery.
-Nicholas Kronos

That basically sums it up.

[Listening to: Island in the Sun - Weezer (3:30)]
Haha, this is just too good

Your EQ is


50 or less: Thanks for answering honestly. Now get yourself a shrink, quick!

51-70: When it comes to understanding human emotions, you'd have better luck understanding Chinese.

71-90: You've got more emotional intelligence than the average frat boy. Barely.

91-110: You're average. It's easy to predict how you'll react to things. But anyone could have guessed that.

111-130: You usually have it going on emotionally, but roadblocks tend to land you on your butt.

131-150: You are remarkable when it comes to relating with others. Only the biggest losers get under your skin.

150+: Two possibilities - you've either out "Dr. Phil-ed" Dr. Phil... or you're a dirty liar.


Your #1 Match: INFP

The Idealist

You are creative with a great imagination, living in your own inner world.
Open minded and accepting, you strive for harmony in your important relationships.
It takes a long time for people to get to know you. You are hesitant to let people get close.
But once you care for someone, you do everything you can to help them grow and develop.

You would make an excellent writer, psychologist, or artist.

Huh, interesting quiz. Take one today

Your Political Profile

Overall: 60% Conservative, 40% Liberal

Social Issues: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal

Personal Responsibility: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal

Fiscal Issues: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal

Ethics: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal

Defense and Crime: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal

Off Bowling on Monday nights for possibly the last time In Buffalo.

Damn Sentiments

Adapted from the two things:-

The Two Things about Driving:

1. Don't hit anything.
2. Don't let anything hit you

How to sit at a computer

A really good article on the right way to sit in front of the computer which is where most of us find themselves sitting for a huge percentage of the day.

I am going to try and follow this article for atleast a few days and see how it goes.

Monday, 9 May 2005

Science & Technology at Scientific Effects of Smoking May Be Passed Down through Generations

I really don't think it gets said enough.... STOP SMOKING

Google Guide: Help with Searching

Wow... A must-see if you are a Googler using Google a lot as I do or even if you like searching on Google but sometimes you have difficulties finding exactly what you were looking for..


Wired Twelve New Moons for Saturn

Yay... more moons for Saturn

Downfall (2005): Reviews

Really good website for reviews of movies, games, music and books.

This movie in particular was very well made and had an awesome performance by Bruno Ganz who played a controversial "human"
role of Hitler

Last Sunday Night

Tonight is the last sunday night for me at UB before graduation..

All I can say is that the past 3 years flew by really fast.

[Listening to: Dooba Dooba - Silk Route - Indian Smash Hits Vol. 1 (5:00)]

Saturday, 7 May 2005

Let the good times roll


What a blast last night turned out to be.. Really awesome fun. The last 7 days as a senior have now officially begun.

[Listening to: It's Over Now - 112 - Part III (4:24)]

Gettin Jiggy wit it

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Start your engines...

Time to get jiggy with it

hopefully, atleast some pics up on the pics site tommorow....

[Listening to: Gigolo - R. Kelly - (4:02)]

Friday, 6 May 2005

Howstuffworks "How Lightsabers Work"


Interesting article

Stop talking about how the Yankees suck.....

Relax.. Its only the start.... May has just begun

Wait till October. You know they'll be there...

Thursday, 5 May 2005

November Rain

A truly awesome song... feels good to listnen to it after all these days:-

When I look into your eyes
I can see a love restrained
But darlin' when I hold you
Don't you know I feel the same

'Cause nothin' lasts forever
And we both know hearts can change
And it's hard to hold a candle
In the cold November rain

We've been through this auch a long long time
Just tryin' to kill the pain

But lovers always come and lovers always go
An no one's really sure who's lettin' go today
Walking away

If we could take the time
to lay it on the line
I could rest my head
Just knowin' that you were mine
All mine
So if you want to love me
then darlin' don't refrain
Or I'll just end up walkin'
In the cold November rain

Do you need some time...on your own
Do you need some time...all alone
Everybody needs some time...
on their own
Don't you know you need some time...all alone

I know it's hard to keep an open heart
When even friends seem out to harm you
But if you could heal a broken heart
Wouldn't time be out to charm you

Sometimes I need some time...on my
Sometimes I need some time...all alone
Everybody needs some time...
on their own
Don't you know you need some time...all alone

And when your fears subside
And shadows still remain
I know that you can love me
When there's no one left to blame
So never mind the darkness
We still can find a way
'Cause nothin' lasts forever
Even cold November rain

Don't ya think that you need somebody
Don't ya think that you need someone
Everybody needs somebody
You're not the only one
You're not the only one

Guns n Roses
[Listening to:Guns and Roses - November Rain.mp3 - - (8:58)]


Hooray for Justin for getting into Law School...


[Listening to: Colorblind - Counting Crows - This Desert Life (3:23)]

Wednesday, 4 May 2005

Really had lots of fun tonight..

Good times...

Meghan, Adam, Laura and later on MB decided to join the fun along with my room-mates...

Time after the party was well spent as well

Took lots of video footage and no pics so its kinda hard to post it...

Exams and such

My exams went quite well..

Now its time to party...

Should be posting more pictures in the next few days

[Listening to: Bhangra Fever - Medival Punditz - Vibes (4:57)]
In India, seeking avenues for growth | CNET

Interesting article

Monday, 2 May 2005

A time well spent

Since waking up 14 hrs ago, time has been very well spent...

Grabbed some food and then was at the lib with rage...

A monster 3.5 hr session for strategic management then some food followed by another 3 hrs of astronomy.... definately time well spent...

Takin a break now... Will get back to action in a few...

[Listening to: The Forbidden Pool - Howard Shore - The Lord of the Rings: The Two (5:27)]

Sunday, 1 May 2005

The countdown to finals is here...

Less that 48 hrs and all I'll have left as an undergrad will be one advanced corporate final and then graduation...


Saturday, 30 April 2005

Oh and another template change...

Got my first Guitar lesson from Rage...

Damn.. my fingers really hurt from all the cords and strumming

Post updates soon

Thursday, 28 April 2005

The Gandhi Video


An image or in this case video of Gandhi has never affected me like this before...

You need to see this...

The speech is Gandhi's famous One World Speech..

The most notable part of the speech is posted below..

Comments welcome via email
A friend asked yesterday, "Did I believe in one world?"

And how can I possibly do otherwise

Of course, I believe in one world.

Wednesday, 27 April 2005

We make our destiny. Fate is what makes us

Monday, 25 April 2005

I was playing the highly addictive puzzle game Snood some minutes ago and after 15 mins worth of journey level play, I finally lost.. got my score..

22000 something..

Went to the snood website to check other high scores.. Guess what? My score was good enough to get into the top 100 all time on that level.. Sweet... Makes me wish I had uploaded the score.. oh well Guess I'll just have to top that score some time.....
Saudi Oil Close To Peak - So What? ||

Think... ruman.. think

Interesting article... recommended reading

Just finished working on my last paper ever at buffalo...

damn.... I hope I don't start crying soon..

I am so gonna miss this place...

Saturday, 23 April 2005 THE Sports Simulation Site!

Pure awesomeness

I predict I'll be visiting this website a LOT in the next few years...

Memories Updated

Head over to see the updated pictures page....

[Listening to: Do 4 Love - 2 Pac - Do (4:43)]

Friday, 22 April 2005

Ye good olde Thursdays

The regular schedule:-

Thursday night bowling, followed by a trip to Molly's for fun and a quickie to Sal's for a couple of delicious slices of pizza.

[Listening to: All Eyes on Me (Rishi Rich Bouncement Remix) - Jay Sean Ft the Rishi Rich Project - DesiInc.Co.Uk - All Eyes on Me (3:36)]

Wednesday, 20 April 2005

"I'm tired of following my dreams. I'm just gonna ask them where they're going and hook up with them later."

- Mitch Hedberg
( Mitch All Together )

One of the most productive all nighters of my life

Pope Benedict XVI - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I absolutely love wikipedia.

A good article compiled very quickly on the new pope

Play it, Sam

Just finished watching Casablanca.

Awesome movie. I think it surely makes a quick jump in my top 10 movies of all time..

How could I have missed this movie all these years.

Easily rivals the godfather in the number of movie lines which are memorable and easily quotable.

I plan to watch some more classics before I graduate in 25 days...

"Here's lookin at you kid"

Tuesday, 19 April 2005

The below article is copyright of

It is a severe understatement to say that there is no way any modern baseball player can have the impact on American society or on the course of history that Jackie Robinson did.

A few second basemen today display some similarities to Robinson, but the only active regular second baseman who is even remotely comparable would be Ray Durham. And while Durham is an All-Star and a fine player in his own right, he's not at Robinson's level.

Derek Jeter

Jackie Robinson

When we look around for a modern-day Jackie Robinson, one player stands out: Derek Jeter. In many ways, the parallels between the careers of these two great middle infielders are striking. Here's a look:

Both were highly touted amateur athletes, though segregation and World War II delayed Robinson's debut till age 28.

Both Robinson and Jeter came to the majors with high-profile teams in New York City.

Both played key defensive positions, though Robinson played first base in his first season, moving to second base only when Gil Hodges took over at first for Brooklyn in 1948.

Both players made immediate impacts as rookies – on their teams, on their cities and on their leagues.

Both won Rookie of the Year awards – Robinson winning the first rookie trophy ever awarded by the baseball writers.

Both men were acknowledged leaders on their clubs, even though they played with many veterans who were much older.

Both Robinson and Jeter became perennial All-Stars, though neither was selected to the All-Star team in his first two years.

Both hit for high average, though Jeter has never led the league in batting average (he led in hits once) and Robinson led the league in BA only once. Robinson's career batting average was .311; Jeter's is .315.

Both infielders had good power for their positions; both possessed line-drive power instead of over-the-fence power. Robinson's career slugging was .474, while Jeter's is .463.

Both ballplayers were smart, disciplined hitters with excellent on-base percentages (Robinson .409; Jeter .385).
Derek Jeter
Much like Robinson, Jeter has speed, power and a burning desire to win.

Both had good speed, stole bases at a high rate, and were heads-up baserunners. Jeter's career stolen base percentage is 79. Robinson stole bases at a 76-percent clip for the second half of his career. (Robinson's career success rate is almost certainly higher since he stole 100 bases in the first four years of his career, when the NL didn't keep caught-stealing stats.)

Aside from their individual attributes, both Robinson and Jeter led their clubs into dynastic eras. The Dodgers had finished second in the NL in 1946, losing a playoff series to the Cardinals. The Yankees finished second in the AL East in 1995, losing to the Mariners in the inaugural year of the AL Division Series.

The Dodgers won the NL pennant in Robinson's first season after a six-year drought. The Yankees won the World Series in Jeter's first full season after a 18-year drought.

Both Robinson's and Jeter's teams dominated their leagues throughout their careers: New York has won nine AL East titles in the last 10 years, while Brooklyn won six NL pennants in 10 years and came very close the other four seasons. (The Dodgers lost the 1951 pennant on Bobby Thomson's "shot heard 'round the world" and finished an average of less than four games out in the years they didn't win the NL flag during Robinson's career.)

Both were big men for their positions and their times. Robinson is listed in the 2005 ESPN Baseball Encyclopedia at 5-foot-11 and 204 pounds. The average NL second baseman in 1946, the year before Robinson's debut, was also 5-11 but weighed in at only 172.5 pounds. Jeter is listed in the 2005 ESPN Baseball Encyclopedia at 6-3 and 195 pounds when the average AL shortstop in 1995 was only 6-0 and 179.6 pounds.

Both players were durable: Robinson played in 90 percent of Dodgers games in his 10-year career; Jeter has played in 93 percent of Yankees games in his nine full seasons so far.

Both men were fearless on the diamond. Robinson, of course, had to contend with vicious racial slurs and the constant threats of fisticuffs. In a much more genteel era, Jeter doesn't face the same level of danger, though his headfirst, full-speed dive into the seats at Yankee Stadium last July showed the extent of his physical courage.

Both men played under intense pressure and unblinking, 24-7 scrutiny in the biggest media market in the world.

Both Robinson and Jeter were/are the ultimate competitors on the field.

Jackie Robinson was elected to the Hall of Fame in 1962, his first year of eligibility. Derek Jeter is a virtual cinch to be a first-ballot Hall of Famer after he retires.

If any player today should wear Jackie Robinson's No. 42, it is Derek Jeter.